TRUSTEE’s Second Plenary Meeting took place on March 8th and 10th, on the premises of the Institute of Space Science, in Magurele, Romania.
During the plenary meeting, the project partners, coming from 13 different countries across Europe, discussed the technical progress made so far and the upcoming steps to be taken.

During the 1st/2nd day of the plenary meeting, K3Y Ltd presented current status and next steps in the context of WP3: “TRUSTEE CORE & FAIR KNOWLEDGE” and WP6: “Market Shaping, Scale-up Business Models and Socio-Economic Impact & TRUSTEEE Outreach and Awareness Generation”.

On March 9th, the Institute of Space Science hosted the TRUSTEE Workshop 1.0 – Co-designing Data Spaces: Empowering Usability, a hybrid Workshop focused on TRUSTEE. The Workshop also featured presentations from other EU-funded projects, including TANGO, TEADAL, AUTOFAIR, and GLASS.

Find more information about the events here.