Cloud-based Platform-agnostic Adversarial aI Defence framework– CPAID
Cloud-based Platform-agnostic Adversarial aI Defence framework– CPAID
Continuum of Trust: Increased Path Agility and Trustworthy Device and Service Provisioning
Integrated software toolbox for secure IoT-to-Cloud computing
AI-ASsisted cybersecurity platform empowering SMEs to defend against adversarial AI attacks
CoGNETs: Continuums Of Game NETs: swarm intelligence as information processing
Programming Platform for Intelligent Collaborative Deployments over Heterogeneous Edge-IoT
Automated zero-touch cross-layer provisioning framework for 5G and beyond vertical services
KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education – Drones for GREEn iNdustry
Urban Planning and design ready for 2030
Smart mmWave and MultiRATs for Multihop Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles