OpenSlice 2024Q4 Release

Φεβρουάριος 27, 2025

OpenSlice is an open source, service-based Operations Support System (OSS) prototype for delivering Network Slice as a Service (NSaaS) and more widely, Network as a Service (NaaS) following specifications from main Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), including ETSI, TM Forum, GSMA, and 3GPP.


Recently, ETSI Software Development Group OpenSlice (SDG OSL) announced its second major version (Release 2024Q4)!


OpenSlice remains at the forefront of tackling the telecom industry's evolving challenges. This release enhances resource orchestration, integrates seamlessly with modern telco tools, and streamlines deployment and monitoring processes. It introduces replicable functionality, setting a new standard for supporting and exposing the capabilities of a modern Operator Platform, including CAMARA and TM Forum Operate APIs. Additionally, it strengthens telco cloud scenarios through LF Sylva synergies, leveraging open and standardized APIs for greater efficiency.


Key Highlights of the Release


- METRICO: OpenSlice now presents its inbuilt mechanism to integrate monitoring solutions within the service lifecycle, enabling efficient closed-loop management (experimental feature).

- OpenSlice Addons: A newly launched and continuously updated Addons repository leverages Custom Resource (CR) orchestration support to enable modern telco features and use cases:
- LF Sylva: Provides a Kubernetes operator to manage Sylva workload clusters
- CAMARA: Allows the exposure and usage of the Quality on Demand (QoD) API

- Kubernetes support extension: The 2024Q4 release delivers major enhancements to CR orchestration logic, boosting stability, expanding Kubernetes resource exposure, and introducing intuitive resource mapping and lifecycle management.

- TM Forum APIs extensions: This release incorporates Resource Activation and extends the Product layer APIs.

- Robustness and Performance enhancements: The 2024Q4 release brings significant enhancements to concurrent, multi-tenant usage while optimizing key components, OSOM and CRIDGE, to minimize their footprint for sustainable long-term deployments.

- End-to-end testing pipelines: OpenSlice now includes automated end-to-end testing pipelines, enabling seamless, repeatable validations of deployment and orchestration examples with every codebase update.


How to run OpenSlice version 2024Q4


To explore the latest OpenSlice 2024Q4 version in your own environment, dive into the detailed Deployment Guide for all the steps and insights!


Read the full post to know more about OpenSlice 2024Q4 here.