European Commission launched EU cyber package (April 2023)

Μάιος 17, 2023

On April 18 2023, the European Commission presented two new instruments to strengthen cyber capabilities to face growing hybrid threats.


EU Cyber Solidarity Act

The EU Cyber Solidarity Act will support detection and awareness of cybersecurity threats and incidents, bolster preparedness of critical entities, as well as reinforce solidarity, concerted crisis management and response capabilities across Member States. The Cyber Solidarity Act establishes EU capabilities to make Europe more resilient and reactive in front of cyber threats, while strengthening existing cooperation mechanism.


EU Cybersecurity Skills Academy

The EU Cybersecurity Skills Academy will bring together private and public initiatives aimed at boosting cybersecurity skills at European and national levels, making them more visible and helping to close the cybersecurity talent gap of cybersecurity professionals. The Academy will initially be hosted online on the Commission's Digital Skills and Jobs platform. The Academy will evolve to include a common space for academia, training providers and industry helping them to coordinate education programmes, trainings, funding, and monitor the evolution of the cybersecurity job market.


Read the press release that European Commision issued here.