The TREEADS project participated in the Agriculture Day in the City event

Δεκέμβριος 8, 2023

Our colleagues from Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC) presented the innovative seedball technology of the TREEADS Project at the "Agriculture Day in the City/Žemės ūkio diena mieste" event, that took place in the Parliament of Lithuania, on October 20th, 2023.


During the event this groundbreaking method for rapid reforestation post-fire damage captured the attention of the scientific community, industry partners, stakeholders, national authorities, institutions, and media.


Seedballs represent a significant leap forward for swift and effective reforestation in large or inaccessible areas following fire damage. These innovative spheres are meticulously crafted using a blend of soil, tree seeds, and microorganism-based growth stimulators. Remarkably, they are designed to be released from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), ensuring even and widespread distribution. With their unique composition and delivery method, seedballs offer unparalleled advantages in rehabilitating fire-ravaged landscapes or regions with limited human accessibility, such as mountain slopes. This technology paves the way for comparatively rapid and efficient reforestation, restoring the delicate ecological balance within these areas.


One of the most exceptional aspects of seedball technology is its adaptability to various locations and ecosystems. Whether it is the restoration of forests or the revival of understory species, such as bushes and grasses, seedballs prove to be a versatile tool. This adaptability ensures that the benefits of seedball technology extend far beyond post-fire reforestation, allowing ecosystem regeneration in diverse environments.


Read the full post here.