European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) – AI Cybersecurity Conference (7 June)

Ιούλιος 20, 2023

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) released 4 reports on the most far-reaching challenges in artificial intelligence (AI) on the occasion of the conference on the supervision of secure and trustworthy AI, which took place in Brussels, Belgium, on the 7th of June, 2023.


Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have drawn the world’s attention to the most important aspects of cybersecurity associated with them. The AI Cybersecurity conference aimed to provide a platform for the wider community to share their experiences and to discuss the challenges and opportunities. It promoted cooperation within the AI cybersecurity community in order to reflect upon the proposal for an EU regulation on AI. The proposal could allow the EU to become a pioneer in regulating AI.


The panels during the conference addressed the cybersecurity technical challenges of AI chatbots, the research and innovation needs, and the security considerations for the cybersecurity certification of AI systems.


Read the relevant press release which ENISA issued here.