CoGNETs: Continuums Of Game NETs: swarm intelligence as information processing


With the continuing explosive growth of the internet of things (IoT) and cloud-connected devices, so-called middleware is becoming ever more versatile and functional. Middleware is the bridge between the devices at the edge of a network and the cloud. The EU-funded CoGNETs project aims to impart a dynamic, intelligent and largely automated formation of IoT-to-cloud swarm continuums by the edge devices to respond to common AI and cognitive computing tasks. The project’s middleware will integrate a new, decentralised, federated, multi-context broker architecture. Enriched with game-intelligent agents, collaborative federated learning and end-to-end security mechanisms, it will enable energy optimisation and secure dynamic data and resource management across devices.

Show the Project Objective

CoGNETs aims to revolutionize the Intelligent Infrastructure Management by introducing a scalable and interoperable distributed Middleware Framework for autonomous IoT-to-Cloud computing, sustainable during and after the project via FIWARE Foundation (Technical Manager) and supported by a strong Industrial & Academic EU-JAPAN ecosystem led by AVL (leader of Catena-X initiative between EU-JAPAN in data sovereignty for the Automotive & Manufacturing supply-chain).

The idea is to leverage the IT intelligence to the point where devices can self-realize their heterogeneity and self-decide how to form dynamic IoT-to-Cloud swarm continuums for responding to common AI tasks and significant items of cognitive computing in automated, secure and energy efficient fashion.

At is core our Middleware will integrate new decentralized federated multi-context Broker architecture enriched with Game-intelligent Agents, Collaborative Federated Learning and End-to-End Security mechanisms (including RISC-V hardware security & AI acceleration) to effectualize dynamic data and resource management across devices at different domains, thereby using open-source programing models and APIs to produce new orchestration, optimization, etc. routines with no vendor locking.

CoGNETs will also achieve energy/CO2 neutrality and “by-design” security awareness by leveraging all its Middleware processes over unified Computing-Energy-Security optimization, thereby introducing a new logic to systemically improve Computing in joint and equal terms to Energy and Security performances that are necessary for sustaining new services and business models.

Validations will be taken over 3x vertical and 1x cross-vertical Demos to support emerging Manufacturing, Mobility and Health sectors, and to examine how CoGNETs can safeguard for economic, business and societal resilience, and how it can expand Europe’s digital sovereignty, strategic autonomy and industrial supremacy in the next wave of technology evolution