Analysis software scheme of uniform statistical sampling, audit and defence processes

Project Details
- Project no:
- Type of project: RIA – Research and Innovation action
- Call identifier: H2020-SU-ICT-2019
- Topic: SU-ICT-02-2020 – Building blocks for resilience in evolving ICT systems
- Duration: 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2023 (36 months)
- CORDIS link:
- Official Website:
Named after the Roman god of trust, the EU-funded SANCUS project seeks to revolutionise European research efforts in the realm of cybersecurity. Connecting 15 partners from 8 European countries, the aim is to develop an analysis software scheme of uniform statistical sampling, audit and defence processes. The notions of cybersecurity and digital privacy will be fused into optimisation strategies to acquire an optimum defence recommendation in the context of the telecommunications network environment. Specifically, the project will propose a scheme that combines unique modelling of the Internet of Things units, as well as innovative Artificial Intelligence-driven game techniques. It will also organise pilot use cases to evaluate the scheme performance across firmware, virtualisation and management software layers.
Project Objective
The project involves 15 Partners from 8 European countries, and aims to design and develop an analySis software scheme of uNiform statistiCal sampling, aUdit and defence proceSses (SANCUS – an Roman god of trust). The main idea draws on formalising the logic of expressing (for the first time) the notions of cyber security and digital privacy by means of final formulas and fuse them into optimisation strategies to acquire the truly optimum defence recommendation in dynamic manner, i.e. with respect to the runtime changes of the telecommunications network environment. In this respect, SANCUS will dimension new inclusive Key Performance Indicator metric, namely, the security-vs-privacy-vs-reliability efficiency trade-off, for measuring the system network cybersecurity and privacy performance explicitly, flexibly, automatically and agnostically. To realise the heterogeneity of the security and privacy levels across the system network and its supply chain, the proposed scheme sits on six efficient engines, namely, FiV, CiV, SiD, AcE, MiU and GiO, which combine unique modelling of the Internet of Things units, cuttingedge methods for automated firmware and software validation and verification, and innovative Artificial Intelligence driven game techniques for the automated optimisation of the control and trust of digital services. Extended evaluations of the project outcomes are also considered by means of developing contemporary network testbed prototype built on latest 5G and cloud-native system setting and running three pilot use cases for examining the scheme performance across Firmware, Virtualisation and Management software layers. The SANCUS scheme will be delivered as integrated software suite and it is expected to revolutionise the European research and development efforts, in and out, the cybersecurity regime. All outcomes are planned to be audited and disseminated extensively.