KA2 Project JAUNTY
Joint undergrAduate coUrses for smart eNergy managemenT sYstems

Project Details
- Project no:
- Type of project: Erasmus+
- Call identifier: Call 2020 Round 1 KA2
- Topic: ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Energy and resources, Open and distance learning
- Duration: 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2023 (36 months)
- CORDIS link:
- Official Website: https://www.jaunty.eu/
Emerging Challenges in Energy and ICT: The energy sector's growth presents challenges to both the energy industry and the ICT research community.
Smart Grids and SEMS: Smart grids monitor the energy infrastructure through Smart Energy Management Systems (SEMS), ensuring seamless data exchange.
Need for New Professionals: There's a demand for new, well-educated professionals who stay updated with the latest tech advancements to fulfill the changing requirements of the energy market.
Gap in Education: Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) offer limited undergraduate courses on Remote Energy Management (REM).
International Competence: Students should be equipped to work in an internationally integrated European economy.
Apart from its main academic content, the rationale behind JAUNTY project is to enable students with fewer opportunities to gain an international study experience without mobility by the so called “ERASMUS from Home”.
AUNTY (Joint undergAduate coUrses for smart eNergy managemenT sYstems) is the beneficial result of transferring state of the art knowledge gained during the implementation of the innovative Horizon 2020 projects SDNmicroSENSE and SPEAR directly to undergraduate student’s classes.
To create Joint and distant Undergraduate courses and labs for Smart Energy Management Systems for two successive semesters.
Exploit the research results of SPEAR and SDN-microSENSE projects and transfer state-of-the-art knowledge directly to educational and teaching activities in HEIs.
To develop platform for synchronized distant classes and remote access labs for SEMS.
Tailor the learning outcomes of the newly developed courses to the energy market needs and enhance the ties between HEIs and energy producers, operators and distributors through their direct involvement to the teaching activities.
To promote undergraduate students’ internationalization in the alternative way of distant internationalization, especially aiming to those with fewer opportunities due to their disadvantaged background or their occupational obligations.